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Transform and Elevate Your Digital Store

Build long-term brand affinity and beat out your competitors with customizable referral
and loyalty solutions

Create a High-Impact Acquisition & Retention Strategy

In today’s ever-evolving eCommerce and direct-to-consumer (DTC) climate, your greatest challenges are winning site traffic and direct revenue back from big distribution companies and continuing to gain market share against competitors. Now, you can enhance the customer experience of your digital store and nurture lifelong shoppers through referral marketing.


Customizable Solutions to Generate Revenue

Our full suite of growth marketing solutions allows each program to work interdependently, sharing insights to create a seamless on-site user experience.

referral marketing program example

Referral Marketing

Referral marketing is the single most effective tool in building a lead generation strategy. Talkable’s solution helps you launch digital word of mouth strategies you can trust to segment your audience, serve relevant offers and turn your existing shoppers into your highest performing channel.

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referral marketing and loyalty program example

Loyalty Marketing

Return shoppers are vital to growing your DTC eCommerce business. Talkable’s Loyalty solution will help you convert shoppers into lifelong loyal customers. You have full control to customize your loyalty solution to fit your unique business needs and deliver points and rewards personal to your audience.

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email capture graphics for referral marketing

Enhanced Email & Phone Number Capture

Knowing your audience is key. Capture insights through smart and intuitive data, in order to create personalized journeys based on traffic sources, geo-location, and site behavior.

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Time to Launch


Get in Touch

Chat with our team of experts. Talkable delivers unmatched managed services and will proactively optimize your campaigns to grow your business.

get in touch referral marketing

Launch Campaigns

Build multi-channel campaigns to begin acquiring and retaining qualified shoppers. Run A/B tests, optimize and maximize your reach.

launch campaigns with retail referral marketing platform

Build Brand Affinity

Reward and nurture long-lasting relationships with your shoppers. Shopping with you, online or in-store, will become a no-brainer.

build brand affinity with retail referral marketing platform

Join Our List of Growing eCommerce Businesses

Reward Your Customers

"" 2x

Customers who refer their friends are twice as likely to buy again

Activate Lapsed Customers

"" 4x

Customers are more likely to purchase if referred by a friend

Encourage Repeat Purchase

"" 88%

of customers want an incentive for sharing a product


Whether you’re looking for educational content, how to optimize your campaigns, or updates on new products and features, you’ll find it here.

February 22, 2024

Referral Campaigns We Love: Australian Brands (AU)

Global support isn’t just an added feature—it’s the foundation of our service. We excel in managing complex logistics across languages,…

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January 17, 2024

Celebrating Talkable's Latest Achievements: G2's Highest User Adoption and Easiest to Do Business With Awards

We’re thrilled to share some exciting news from the team at Talkable! Our relentless commitment to providing exceptional services and…

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December 20, 2023

Talkable's Exciting December Product Updates: Elevating Your Referral Marketing in 2024

Unlocking the Power of Video Referrals & Customer Generated Content Talkable Video: Our newest addition, Talkable Video, is revolutionizing the…

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Client Showcase

See How We Can Help Your Brand Grow